Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day 1

I have arrived in Morrowind. First by carriage, and now by boat. I heard a voice speak to me, calling out if I was okay. I wasn't. As I awoke, there before me stood a dark elf, with many piercings. He said his name was Jiub. I told him mine. Creamy Goodness. He told me last nights storm couldn't even wake me, and that we have arrived in Morrowind, the should let us go any time now. A guard approached me, and told me to get up on deck. I met with a guard, on my way to the census office, who asked me where I was from. I told him I was from the Wrothgarian mountains, me being an Orc and all. I hurried inside the census office, and spoke to an older man. I told him I was a Death Bringer (class name) and my major skills were as follows:
  1. Axe
  2. Armorer
  3. Heavy Armor
  4. Medium Armor
  5. Block
Minor skills:
  1. Spear
  2. Blunt Weapon
  3. Destruction
  4. Long Blade
  5. Acrobatics
Then he asked me my birth sign, to which I proudly announced was The Lady. After this was all done, I continued to the next building, and found Selvus Gravius. He told me that he had an errand for me. I was to go to the city of Balmora, and deliver this package to Caius Cosades. Then I was suppose to do whatever Caius told me to do. I decided I wasn't in any hurry, so I took some time to relax, and hang around Seyda Neen a while. I went into the local trade center, and met a nice altmer named Arille. He told me upstairs, Hrisskar had some money problems. So I spoke to Hrisskar, and he told me that this wood elf, Fargoth, had not payed his dues to the imperial legion. He asked if I could find Fargoth's secret hiding space. I agreed, and he told me that he sneaks around at night. Nightfall was long off, so instead I went and spoke to some of the villagers. They told me that a tax collector had gone missing. Too bad, I thought. I also spoke to one Voduncius Nuncius, who told me I should go talk to the Silt Strider operator, and tell her that He sent me. I went and spoke to her, and she told me that she didn't think Voduncius was too happy in morrowind. I went back and spoke to Voduncius, he told me that he was indeed not happy, and if he had 100 drakes, he would be on the first boat back to the mainland. But unfortunately, he was cheated and bought a cursed ring with all his money. I told him don't worry, I will buy the ring off of you for 100 drakes. He was extremely relieved, and left with haste. Back in Arilles trade house, I spoke to this Imperial Battlemage, and he said that some fool had lost the Mentors Ring somewhere on the coast around here. I decided I should look for this ancient artifact. While searching, I discovered the body of the Tax collector that had gone missing. He had a tax record on him, and 200 septims. I continued my search for the ring, and found an ancestral tomb. While inside, I battled a few angry ghosts, and a skeleton. In the main room of the tomb, there was an urn sitting on an altar, labeled "Lord Byrnes Ashes" I disabled the trap on the urn, and found that it contained the Mentors Ring (constant effect 10 points to intelligence and willpower, worth 8000 drakes). While on my way back to Seyda Neen, I heard screaming above me. I looked up to find a Bosmer falling from the sky. On his body, he had a journal that said he was inventing a scroll that could make someone fly. I found 3 of these scrolls on his body, and decided I would wait to try them out. In the city, I asked around town if anyone knew about the tax collectors death. They turned me towards the man who asked me my class. I went to him, and he asked if there was anything on the body. I stated that there was 200 drakes. He said that if I could hunt down his murderer, then I would receive 500 drakes. I asked around town, and they directed me towards the lighthouse owner. She said that she was his lover, and she had never seen him angry, except around Foryn Gilnith. I went to his shack, and he attacked me. I defeated him, and went back for my reward. It was about 8:00pm, so I decided I should head to a spot where I could watch Fargoth. I decided behind a shack was a good place. He walked around the city a bit, and then went to the lighthouse, and finally, to a little muck pond, that had a log in the middle of it. I inspected the log, and it had 300 drakes in it, a lockpick, and a ring. I took the money to Hrisskar, who gave me 150 drakes. I decided it was about time to leave Seyda Neen, onto bigger things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this blog it is so good I wish there was more posts tho